Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Selling Sydney

Selling Sydney


Walking from the train station

to the office through

the quiet city streets.


Echoes of history.


I walk past terraced houses

that have stood together

for over one hundred years.


Feel the stories


dripping from the bricks,

stories of loves & struggles

fixed in history.


New buildings.


Cathedrals of consumerism.

Shopping centres. Office blocks.

Apartments, high rise.


Selling history according to corp.


My office building



Like a rain cloud

solidified and fallen.


I step off the street

and into the open plan

designed for efficiency.


And put aside my history.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice Mark. How disconcerting it is for me that here in North America we value history so little and tear down historic places and put up large box stores.
