Saturday, October 03, 2009

Freak Show

Freak Show

              inspired by David Lerner’s Mein Kampf


Step right up,

              step right up,

come see the poet at work.


Gasp at the furrowed brow,

              the constipated demeanor,

marvel at the rigor mortis life skills.


But please Ladies and Gentlemen,

              DO NOT FEED THE POET,

this creature must not be encouraged in any way.


  1. Haha, that is cool. I think this Mein Kampf poem should be taught in high schools, haha. Yours is great and the ending has that twist of lime which release the tension built into the structure. It is a classic simple pivot_in_the_middle poem and the elegance of its construction is the source of some its emotional power and the idea it expresses gives it value and so on. i.e. super cool

  2. Anonymous4:37 pm

    Very, very, very good - and funny - you freak! me freak! we freak n love it!

  3. Great to see Lerner is well and truly under your skin Mark! Love it!
