Thursday, September 24, 2009

Life by Remote Control

Life by Remote Control


Ensconced in the images.

Injections from the 40 inch frame

across the room.


Bourgeois buttocks comfortable

on a lounge cut from old growth

forest by third world underaged.


Watch the news for sports updates,

interspersed with messages of the

latest products, requirements for a

new and improved reduced fat life.

Abject images are quickly flicked.


Reality TV

is an oxy   moron.


  1. I like that double space at the end Mark, and the way it turns the statement into an accusation.

  2. Anonymous3:22 pm

    I like the space too - morons! That's about right - good stuff.

  3. Mark, Reality TV is such an OXY Moron! Living our lives through the lives of others living their lives through the hopeful eyes of followers who will validate their lives. Phooey! Good awareness poem.
