Friday, July 31, 2009

Whispering to Embers

Whispering to embers


I’ve stood in the open

and dared lightning to strike,

screamed down thunder

to remember a fight.


I’ve whispered to embers

to turn to fire and burn,

stared through past windows

and wanted to yearn.


I’ve cried at your stories

and laughed at my own,

built temples to decadence

while I’d none to call home.


I’ve swallowed my youth

from a bottle of time,

I wanted the story

but drowned in the rhyme.

Thursday, July 30, 2009




I’ve had enough.


I’m going to take my family to Tuscany,

where we’ll suckle on the Tyrrhenian nipple,

and bloat ourselves on the blood of the sangiovese,

then simply lie back in the sun. And never get up.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Selling Sydney

Selling Sydney


Walking from the train station

to the office through

the quiet city streets.


Echoes of history.


I walk past terraced houses

that have stood together

for over one hundred years.


Feel the stories


dripping from the bricks,

stories of loves & struggles

fixed in history.


New buildings.


Cathedrals of consumerism.

Shopping centres. Office blocks.

Apartments, high rise.


Selling history according to corp.


My office building



Like a rain cloud

solidified and fallen.


I step off the street

and into the open plan

designed for efficiency.


And put aside my history.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

This Now


This Now



is funny.

Calculations and

medications and

meditations and

salutations to


only knows

what future.


The only truth is



Feel your second


Monday, July 27, 2009




Words.                                   Words.

Married to each other.             Married.

Sent into the world                  Sent

like blind children.                   blind.

Thrown to the wolves.            Thrown.

Ripped apart.                         Ripped.

Stripped from bone.               Stripped.

Stray pieces of meat               Stray.

left to rot in the sun.                Left.

After the vultures                    Vultures

have finished picking.              finished.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Her Empty House


Her Empty House



the same.


Drive to




@ home

she locks the door

and cries.

The children are gone.

The meaning is lost.

Locked in

her empty house.



Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Skepticism of Dreaming

The Skepticism of Dreaming


We’ve lost the legends that forged our ambitions,

lost faerie tales in a child’s forgotten mind,

let children grow into organised structures

and denied the opium of the fathers behind.


Avalon lies in delicate pages,

recounted by historians as based in no fact,

and Heaven is dying a cancerous death

with each innocent ending on a battle raged tract.


The kamikaze has been stifled, the dragon’s breath held,

Kublai Khan merely fell in Japan,

scientific probes and punctures have removed all enigma,

and left tales of the failures of man.


We are left to dream only terrestrial dreams,

of houses built on compliant foundations,

secured by mortgages secured by safe jobs,

and paid for by mute indignation.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Silvia, the Years Pass Like Rainbows

Silvia, the Years Pass like Rainbows

The years pass like rainbows,

with each colour

clearly defined

and yet blinding into

the whole.

It is you who is the

cause of my sun,

you who clears my sky,

you who gives me the words

in which I fly.

Four Bullets

Four Bullets


Four bullets and he is taken,

a day in the life that changed the world.


Four bullets from the shaky chamber of

a nowhere man and history explodes.


Four bullets and we can no longer imagine

there’s nothing to live or die for.


Four bullets anonymously manufactured

that still ricochet today.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

An Anonymous Unit, Southern Inner Sydney

An Anonymous Unit, Southern Inner Sydney


The remnants of a roast chicken lay strewn

on its ripped open foil bag packaging

on the dining table,

along side a too full ashtray

and too many beer bottles.


Our hero lays back,


excess he’s taken unprepared.


The midnight TV flickers blue,

advertisements of telephone sex.


The phone rings, he’s stirred,

wrong number, they always are.


While he’s up he gets another beer,

turns off the TV,

and soaks in the silence.


Our hero lays back,


excess, he’s raping, unaware.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Gathering Tchotchkes

Gathering Tchotchkes


Tip-toeing through life,

gathering tchotchkes,

and trying to calculate

the appropriate amount of tax to pay,

wondering whether the neighbours



and if it doesn’t rain on Sunday

we should do


but if it does rain we’ll

stay home,

and if it doesn’t rain

we’ll probably stay home too,

it’s a nice house,

look at its beautiful


360 months,

principal & interest,

the gardens are level

and the trees are trimmed,

controlled growth,

automatic garage door

makes life so much easier.

I wonder if the neighbours



Tuesday, July 21, 2009





We’re all racing towards

the last second,

the last breath.


Up ahead

a row of brake lights,

another one of

life’s traffic jams.

And no escape.


You got on to the motorway

to save some time!

And now you are stopped.


Physically.                            Stopped.

Mentally.                              Stopped.


Still racing towards

the last second,

the last breath.


You should have taken

the scenic route.


Monday, July 20, 2009

Death Does Not Always Come at the End

Death does not always come at the end


Some people die

long before

their last breath.


Ordinary people

who offer no

new word.


Death is caused


a lack of life.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Cerebral Haemorrhage of Suburban Life

The Cerebral Haemorrhage of Suburban Life


A cacophony of lawn mowers
shatters a serene Sunday morning,
the rattling of empty beer bottles
being moved from last night’s dinner table.

A tyre burning nausea.

The cerebral haemorrhage of suburban life.

The nine to five, t.v. guide,
pigeon holed mind control.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Sitting Watching


Sitting Watching


I have just stepped off the train.


I pushed with the others to get out

of the station                                               and

managed to break free of the pack              and

secured a bench on the footpath.


I sit.


I should keep moving with them,

keep moving towards my workplace           but

this morning something tells me to



In front of me a sea of suits

ebbs and flows down the street,

seaweed shades of grey and black,

murky and churned.

Their faces hold no expression

and yet they move with determination.


They move or are moved?

They are drawn.


They know they should be somewhere,

by a certain time.

So their legs do the action

that they don’t realise

their brains are ordering.


The street cleaners are at work,

they look angry.

They follow the flow of suits

like you would walking your dog,

with a plastic bag and ‘pooper scooper’.


The sound of metal chairs

being dropped on concrete.

Umbrellas opened.

The coffee shops.


Traffic behind me plays the soundtrack.

Engines, horns, screaming ‘hurry up, there is

somewhere I have to be by a certain time.”



tall buildings impose their authority,

like sentinels.


Still more                                                       and

more suits float by.

I should be in there.

I should.                                                        But

this morning something told me to



Some of the sharks in the sea

are looking at me.

A thousand mobile phones,

with ears attached,

turn to look at me,                                          because

I stopped.


I didn’t think much of it at the time,

I just stopped,

but I’m starting to realise

that something is

terribly wrong.


Because the sharks dared to look,

now some of the smaller fish are looking.

The sharks had a scowl,

but the smaller fish look


“What are you doing?”

“Get up!”

“You can’t stop.”

“You’re going to be late.”

“There is somewhere you must be

by a certain time.”


I get up                                                        but

I cannot merge with the flow.

I swim against the rip.


The suits fret.

I am a leaf                                                    and

they are a line of ants.

I have broken the line.

The drones look to the leaders,

“what do we do?”

I have caused some to almost

come to a complete





As a consequence they

have to jog 2or3steps

to get back into line.

Back into the inaudible rhythm.

Thump,              thump,                            thump,                            thump.


I made it to the other side of their channel     and

am now standing, facing the wrong direction.


New drones look at me,

scared that I am going

to step into their path.

Their minds are calculating,

they look to their

left                            and                            right,

“if he steps in I can side-step

this way and not lose rhythm.”


I should jump in                                          and

go with them.

I can’t.

They keep coming                                       but

are thinning out.

Then there are none.

The waves have stopped.

The street is death like.

I should have gone with them. Now

I can’t.


I light a cigarette and think.

What have I done?”


I step into a coffee shop.

They stare at my clothes.

Suit and tie.

They look up at their clock                           and

back to me.

I ask for coffee,

the lady asks

“is that to take away?”


I say

“no, I’ll have it here.”

The silence deafens                                      and

she stares,

“what have you done?”


I take my coffee                                           and


“What am I doing?”


People are scurrying again.

Carrying folders.

They look at me                                           and

at my table.

Shouldn’t I have

a folder in front of me,

what am I doing?


The coffee tastes strange.


The street keeps


around me.


Friday, July 17, 2009





How have you left me?

Naked and bullet riddled.

And why?

Because I loved you?

Because I was born into you?

Because I was you?

But not now.

Take back your rose heart,

your bulldog stance

and empire tales.

I seek a new language.