Saturday, August 08, 2009

In Praise of Disorder

In Praise of Disorder


Somewhere in disorder are the spontaneous mistakes that make a day particular,

paths that lie unplanned, hidden in erratic overgrowth.


In the mess of photos scattered throughout cardboard boxes,

childhoods hide in sepia tones.


In the disarray of LP records leaning across hi-fi shelves

hum the scratched songs of your forgotten youth.


In the rustic cases of second hand book stores

great words wait to carry you to other plains.


In the windy change of seasons

streams await to clear the stale ink from your diary.


Held in chaos lies a sweet bohemian breath inhaling all order and exhaling life, planting a kiss

on your unsuspecting cheek, eject your iPod and listen to the street.

1 comment:

  1. wow! i really enjoyed this.... you captured it and drew the vision with your words for me so well
